2021 Hiking Progress

Hiking Progress Graph

Becca hiked 353.4 miles in 2021. That's like walking from West Glacier to Edmonton, Canada.

2021 Hikes

65 Hikes
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Dec. 10, 2021

Oxbow Trail

1.6 miles | 25 feet

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Oct. 16, 2021

Lady Bird Johnson Grove

1.4 miles | 162 feet

Hike with Sarah at Redwood

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Nov. 14, 2021

Oxbow Trail

1.1 miles | 53 feet

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Oct. 17, 2021

Whitman Mission Trail

0.9 miles | 98 feet

Hike with Sarah

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Oct. 15, 2021

Sun Notch Trail

0.8 miles | 132 feet

Hike with Sarah at Crater Lake

Aug. 9, 2021

Attempt at Harrison Lake

0.8 miles | 88 feet

Middle Fork was too high to ford...hike with Andrew

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Oct. 14, 2021

Painted Hills

0.8 miles | 85 feet

Hike with Sarah D at John Day Fossil

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May 29, 2021

Running Eagle Falls

0.4 miles | 6 feet

Hike with Teagan and Andrew