Becca hiked 455.6 miles in 2024. That's like walking from West Glacier to Portland, OR.
18.1 miles | 4136 feet
Hike with Natalie-windy day. Saw a million flowers, lots of bighorn sheep and marmots, and quite a few people.
14.2 miles | 2108 feet
Hike with Sydney and Sophie with stop at Florence Falls on way back. Beautiful weather and a million hucks!
13.3 miles | 1420 feet
Hike with Natalie after camping in Cut Bank - saw two grizzly bears, a bunch of sheep, a golden eagle, and a million wildflowers
12.9 miles | 2892 feet
Hike with Nate and Emily. Very windy. We saw 10 bears and a moose during commute to/from.
12.8 miles | 1665 feet
Hike with Natalie - cloudy for first half. Lots of flowers, ran into bull moose, and saw a couple snowshoe hares
12.0 miles | 1290 feet
Afternoon hike with Natalie during heat advisory. Didn’t see many people…it was super hot, a little hazy. Saw a goat, snowshoe hare, deer (including cutie fawn), and a million flowers.
11.8 miles | 3005 feet
Hike with Natalie. Warm day lots of larches poppin!
11.7 miles | 2574 feet
Hike with Natalie - hot but pretty flowers. Smoky at top. Saw the packers at the lookout.