Cumulative Hiking Progress

Hiking Progress Graph

Becca has hiked 1635.6 miles since 2020. That's like walking from West Glacier to Columbus, OH.


317 Hikes
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June 27, 2021

Howe Lake

2.6 miles | 363 feet

Hike with Teagan; saw sandhill cranes

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June 28, 2021

Eagle Cove Trail

2.7 miles | 292 feet

Hike with Andrew's friends on Wild Horse Island-rented boat; saw bighorn sheep and bitterroot but no horses

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June 29, 2021

Snyder Lake

8.9 miles | 1969 feet

Hike with Sarah Peterson

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July 5, 2021

Mount Brown

10.3 miles | 4079 feet

Hike with Andrew; saw a black bear and goats

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July 8, 2021

Forest Service behind Jean's

2.4 miles | 483 feet

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July 9, 2021

Boundary Trail

5.0 miles | 795 feet

Hike with Andrew-Rudy Creek (RIP)

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July 10, 2021

Buffalo Lakes

4.1 miles | 874 feet

Hike with Andrew

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July 11, 2021

Rocky Point

1.8 miles | 314 feet

Huckleberry picking