Becca has hiked 1797.0 miles since 2020. That's like walking from West Glacier to Ottawa, Canada.
3.2 miles | 276 feet
Hike with Andrew to Red Rock Lake while staying at Many Glacier Hotel - saw moose running on way to Fishercap, solo baby in lake, and grizzly bear at head of lake. Nearly ran into grizzly on the trail.
2.2 miles | 845 feet
Hike with Andrew to look for poppies - saw them and goats, marmots, etc. sorta smoky
18.8 miles | 3959 feet
Hike with Katie and Natalie
1.2 miles | 288 feet
Hike for work - roving trail
10.7 miles | 2126 feet
Hike with Letitia and Theresa
11.9 miles | 1963 feet
Hike with Katie, Anna, and Natalie - alpine poppies and thunderstorm as we approached Piegan
7.8 miles | 2223 feet
Solo hike - saw a ton of marmots at the top
7.2 miles | 991 feet
Hike with Theresa and Natalie from Logan to Haystack