Becca has hiked 1797.0 miles since 2020. That's like walking from West Glacier to Ottawa, Canada.
16.2 miles | 1713 feet
Backpack with Andrew
15.8 miles | 3225 feet
Hike with Andrew - stayed at Granite Park Chalet for the night
15.7 miles | 2139 feet
Hike with Sarah Peterson to Doody Cabin
15.2 miles | 3921 feet
Hike with Andrew - no visibility, very cold
14.2 miles | 2108 feet
Hike with Sydney and Sophie with stop at Florence Falls on way back. Beautiful weather and a million hucks!
13.3 miles | 1420 feet
Hike with Natalie after camping in Cut Bank - saw two grizzly bears, a bunch of sheep, a golden eagle, and a million wildflowers
13.2 miles | 2563 feet
Hike with Joseph and Natalie - saw and heard tons of loons
13.0 miles | 4219 feet
Hike with Charlie and Sarah