Cumulative Hiking Progress

Hiking Progress Graph

Becca has hiked 1635.6 miles since 2020. That's like walking from West Glacier to Columbus, OH.


317 Hikes
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Sept. 15, 2022

Gunsight Pass and Lincoln Peak

20.1 miles | 4165 feet

Hike with Joseph and Natalie - saw lots of goats and a marmot with crazy teeth

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Sept. 14, 2022

Horse Trail across from Oxbow

2.4 miles | 78 feet

Hike with Leigh for work; coaching From Seeds to Cedars

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Sept. 12, 2022

The Loop from Granite Park Chalet

3.9 miles | 131 feet

Hike with Andrew down from chalet

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Sept. 11, 2022

Highline to Ahern Pass

15.8 miles | 3225 feet

Hike with Andrew - stayed at Granite Park Chalet for the night

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Sept. 8, 2022

Trout Lake

8.7 miles | 3034 feet

Hike with Natalie - could see the North Camas Fire

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Sept. 3, 2022

Firebrand Pass

10.2 miles | 1989 feet

Hike with Andrew

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Sept. 1, 2022

Piegan Pass to Jackson Glacier Overlook

9.4 miles | 1733 feet

Hike with Natalie - took shuttle back to car; never again

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Aug. 27, 2022

Boundary Trail

3.4 miles | 402 feet