Becca has hiked 1792.2 miles since 2020. That's like walking from West Glacier to Heroica Matamoros, Mexico.
0.6 miles | 210 feet
Tubing with Natalie on a rainy day
0.6 miles | 209 feet
Hike with Teagan as soon as trail opened
0.6 miles | 91 feet
Hiking with Andrew for sunset at White Sands.
0.6 miles | 15 feet
Hike with Natalie - we saw a moose
0.6 miles | 38 feet
Hike with mom, aunt sue, and Andrew
0.5 miles | 0 feet
Hike with Andrew at White Sands. We saw several lizards and zero people!
0.5 miles | 83 feet
Hike with Andrew - saw soooooo many bitterroots and lots of bison from a distance
0.4 miles | 6 feet
Hike with Teagan and Andrew