Becca has hiked 1797.0 miles since 2020. That's like walking from West Glacier to Ottawa, Canada.
0.2 miles | 20 feet
Looking for salmon…saw a dipper
5.0 miles | 843 feet
Morning hike with Natalie on rainy day
2.6 miles | 22 feet
Coaching Eric’s Creekside Stroll
3.3 miles | 34 feet
Coaching Miguel’s Creekside Stroll.
5.8 miles | 1303 feet
Hike with Natalie. Soooo many mushrooms - it was magical. The lake is still boring.
9.9 miles | 2408 feet
Hike with Natalie. Beautiful day - we saw two grizzlies, some mountain goats, a pika, and a pine marten. Out and back from Siyeh Bend. Had to cross snow field from a couple weeks ago.
2.2 miles | 33 feet
Coaching Sarah’s Creekside Stroll. Chilly morning-saw huge bucks and two kingfishers!
7.3 miles | 1914 feet
Hike with Teagan. Perfect weather.