Becca has hiked 1797.0 miles since 2020. That's like walking from West Glacier to Ottawa, Canada.
10.3 miles | 2687 feet
Hike with Emily from Siyeh Bend to Sun Rift Gorge
10.3 miles | 4207 feet
Solo hike - aggressive grizzly with three cubs were spotted all morning, luckily didn’t see anything but tons of goats. Started hike with Melissa DeGant who was headed up Sperry
10.3 miles | 2240 feet
Hike with Steve and Natalie
10.2 miles | 1989 feet
Hike with Andrew
10.2 miles | 1423 feet
Hike with Anya and Teagan - a ton of wildflowers along the trail
10.2 miles | 4055 feet
Solo hike
10.2 miles | 1434 feet
Hike with Teagan - we saw a moose, lots of flowers, and a drone at the lake
10.1 miles | 1423 feet
Hike with Sydney, Eric, and Natalie after camping in Many G. Lots of sheep and very windy!