2024 Hiking Progress

Hiking Progress Graph

Becca has hiked 333.5 miles in 2024. That's like walking from West Glacier to Yakima, WA.

2024 Hikes

77 Hikes
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Aug. 11, 2024

Avalanche Lake

5.0 miles | 698 feet

After work hike with Teagan. Lots of squirrels, jays, and chipmunks. We heard loons!

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April 18, 2024

Rocky Point to Westshore Trail

3.8 miles | 616 feet

Solo hike; saw a fox.

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April 25, 2024

Old Flathead Ranger Station

7.2 miles | 598 feet

Hike with Natalie; saw some spring blooms and a tick!

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Aug. 23, 2024

Hidden Lake Overlook

2.8 miles | 583 feet

After work hike with Andrew during a crazy thunderstorm. Westbound traffic was closed for downed trees for a little while before we could go home.

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April 22, 2024

Boundary Trail

3.8 miles | 490 feet

After work hike with Teagan

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March 16, 2024

Lake Pleasant Trail (Peoria)

3.0 miles | 427 feet

Hike with Andrew, Deb, and Paul in Arizona.

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May 30, 2024

Howe Lake

3.2 miles | 423 feet

Hike with Natalie after work

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May 27, 2024

Forest Service behind Jean’s

1.9 miles | 401 feet

Hike with Teagan to look for flowers - sooooooooo many mosquitos