Cumulative Hiking Progress

Hiking Progress Graph

Becca has hiked 1635.6 miles since 2020. That's like walking from West Glacier to Columbus, OH.


317 Hikes
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April 11, 2022

Covey Meadow

2.2 miles | 185 feet

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April 11, 2021

Covey Meadow

2.2 miles | 185 feet

Aug. 23, 2022

Avalanche Creek

2.1 miles | 184 feet

Hike with William and Andrew; had to turn around due to storm

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Sept. 27, 2023

Mission Lookout

0.6 miles | 175 feet

Stayed at lookout with Carly and Natalie

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Oct. 16, 2021

Lady Bird Johnson Grove

1.4 miles | 162 feet

Hike with Sarah at Redwood

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April 14, 2024

Trail of Shadows (MORA)

1.6 miles | 160 feet

Hike with Andrew, Delia, and Mom at Mt. Rainier.

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May 12, 2024

Skyland Road

1.2 miles | 154 feet

Hiked with Teagan to search for Steers Head. Saw a red fox, bear tracks, and some canine tracks too!

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May 1, 2023

Lake Five

1.2 miles | 152 feet

Hike to look for orchids