Becca has hiked 1792.2 miles since 2020. That's like walking from West Glacier to Heroica Matamoros, Mexico.
10.3 miles | 2687 feet
Hike with Emily from Siyeh Bend to Sun Rift Gorge
12.2 miles | 2680 feet
Hike with Andrew
11.7 miles | 2574 feet
Hike with Natalie - hot but pretty flowers. Smoky at top. Saw the packers at the lookout.
13.2 miles | 2563 feet
Hike with Joseph and Natalie - saw and heard tons of loons
9.9 miles | 2408 feet
Hike with Natalie. Beautiful day - we saw two grizzlies, some mountain goats, a pika, and a pine marten. Out and back from Siyeh Bend. Had to cross snow field from a couple weeks ago.
11.4 miles | 2344 feet
Hike with Mel and Natalie - saw grizzly bear and moose
11.0 miles | 2338 feet
Hike with Flora, Jimmy, and Andrew
10.9 miles | 2337 feet
Hike with Kyle and Darcy - we saw a mountain lion!